These are some of my random writings. I thought I would keep them here in this blog and share them! They are fictional but as you know every fiction has some reality in them!

December 29, 2005

One final reach

A seed is planted, it is watered and has the rays of the sun to live and grow.

We are created.

We are born.

We are given food and drink but we are given something much more precious, we are given
faith, we are given knowledge of God.
Our parents must 'cultivate' this knowledge just as a tree.
Our faith grows strong with each passing year. The roots of the tree, our 'soul', our faith gets
stronger, strengthened by Allah and cared for by our parents.
We live day by day, in the hopes that our ‘roots’ will strengthen, our knowledge will grow, our
faith will be strong. There comes a day when the tree is shaken, its roots shaken from their once
secure home what will hold it in place?
What will keep our faith from being shaken?
The only answer is faith. Faith in Allah, that we will be put back into our 'secure' ground, that our
roots will be strengthened once more by our good deeds and intentions.
Can you imagine a life long struggle and how 'deep' your roots will be if you proceed with good
intentions, praising and keeping Allah's name in your heart and on your lips.
This 'tree' will grow strong, reaching its branches high and wide, just as your faith will reach high.
Reaching towards your creator in the hopes that you will one day reach far enough to reach
Allah. Now, your branches are high, strong and old, your roots firmly planted, you are in
unshakable ground. Your faith has granted you a long life and as you grow 'old' you reach one
final time towards the heavens, towards your creator, your final intention is to reach the
hereafter. You see the sky open, and your branches reach high and are made strong from faith
and love. You reach the garden, the garden of the hereafter, where your roots and branches will
live forever with the Grace and Mercy of Allah.

December 22, 2005


I sit and look at you
I look and wonder
I see and I am blind

Show me what you see
Show me what you know
Show me your soul
Show me your heart

See what I am
What I can be and will be
See with your eyes
See with your soul
That which we both already know

I see you as you were
I see you as you are
I see you as you will be

I want to see you with me
I want to see you
I need to see you
I wish to be with you

All of time is not enough
Eternity is just a twinkle in the life of a star
Forever is…

All of this I will give to you
All you need do is but ask
And I shall give you this and more


Written - June 10 1999

My life…

My life…
Standing on the edge
Waiting for the next thing to happen
Wondering what to do
See and hear
Do and learn
Live to exist
Exist to survive
Just to be…

Is it enough to just exist
Or is there something more to it all
I sit and ask these questions of myself in the
Dark and quiet of my soul
I search for the answers
Solutions in the depths of confusion
Chaos in clarity
Delusion in the face of certainty

I stare at the waters of contentment
Wading within its shores never touching
Only teasing me with its clarity
Its temptation
Its vision
Its reality
Its complete honesty
Its life

My life
My temptations
My visions
My reality
My honesty
My life…

Written - August 1 1999

The language of not knowing

The language of not knowing
I sit in a coffee shop and the words around me are foreign.
There are two girls sitting at a small table chatting away, moving their hands and giggling, I know that they must be gossiping. I watch them, their eyes open wide but smiling, their hands gesticulating wildly trying to convey with movements as well as words. I sit and watch all these silent conversataions.
I look over to another side of the coffee shop, there I see a family, two children a boy and a girl sitting with their parents, looking happy. They are eating ice cream, stuffing the oversized spoons into their chubby faces, nothing could be greater than this they think, while their parents drink their coffee and gaze at their happy family. I sit and watch them.
At the back of the shop there are two lovers. I look to them, the girl is talking quickly, her face is livid, she is flailing her hands in the air. The man just looks at her, his face flushed with disbelief. I see his eyes and notice they are watery, tears and regret in them shine. The girl just keeps talking, quickly, without making any sense at all. She stands up and leaves. I am left looking at the man, he mouths a word to me, I don’t know his word for it but I know he means ‘love’.
I come to this coffee shop in the middle of town, I abuse myself with the fact that all of the faces and language are foreign to me but still I sit here and watch them and listen. I have gotten good at knowing people’s expressions. Do you know not one person’s laugh is the same! There is the high pitched laugh of a school girl with her friends. The low chuckle of a man meeting his date for the first time. The howl of a young man watching his favourite sports team winning thereby winning him his bet.
I watch all these things in this small coffee shop in the middle of town. I listen to words that are foreign to me but realized that the emotion behind the words are the same. I realize that I am not so lonely now.
I have yet to understand their words when they speak to me and yes I see that they think I am slow or even stupid for not knowing their words. But I also see the reality of life in these conversations. They do not know who I am, to them, I am just another foreigner in their land. They do not care if I watch them relentlessly to understand just one word.
I relish the fact that they think I am witless and can say anything to me and have them think I do not understand when all along I understand it all, their expressions, their eyes, their hands all betray their meaning. They are the ones who really do not understand.
So, I sit in the coffee shop in the middle of town and drink my coffee and nod my head to the passers by, the laughing girls, the small happy family and even the lonely man, for they have all seen me and I have seen them. And they understand.
We all know the language of not knowing…